Sunday, August 9, 2009

On the 63rd Independence Day ....


Today we are Independent, enjoying all Liberties and Freedoms provided by the Constitution of the Democratic Republic: INDIA . But I see that we have become selfish.

Our country witnessed the wars of 48, 63, 65, 71, 99 and also the tensions at various other instances within the country. If your life is so precious to you, then were they fools who gave up their lives for the country? But no common man can understand what it feels like to die for your country. Intoxicated by the love for motherland the passion, the zeal, the fervour you have when you are defending your country at the war front is outlandish. The soldier says, “I regret I’ve but 1 life to lay down for my country”. They are honoured but sadly posthumous. What about those who are guarding our borders right now living away from their families? They say that they can feel, the letters they receive from their families are soggy. Do they receive the respect they deserve?

But then people are not totally indifferent to their sacrifices. Everyone is so keen to forward an email that spreads sentiments of nationalism, but do they understand it. Or does its impact on them lasts for more than 5 minutes? People wish each other Happy Independence Day; do they understand what they are saying? It is just lip service. We don’t understand what freedom is because we haven’t been enslaved. To some it’s nothing more than a gazetted holiday. Do they realize how grateful they should be to those who lost everything to get us freedom? Those were brave souls who had this sentiment of love for their motherland. It was so strong that no adversaries could ever break it. They used to sing songs in praise of the motherland and alike on their way when they were being transported together to jails in ships or other such instances when they used to get together. That used to be their mode of entertainment.

With Independence we also witnessed the Partition of the Country into India and Pakistan. Was it required is though debatable? Do we ever tend to realize how sad was the partition of India? What a human massacre it was? 15 million people moved across the border. About 1 million of them were killed. How people killed their age old neighbours in frenzy? How people killed their own wives and daughters? How people awaited death ?How harsh it was physically, mentally and emotionally to go through all that trauma? People lost their loved ones, their property, their whole life’s savings; they were looted in every sense. People died of hunger, of diseases they caught on the way, no drinking water. The lucky ones got water from the paddy fields. The people were uprooted from their established homes and forced to live as refugees. So many lives were changed permanently. Some even today tell their grandchildren about the beautiful houses they had in Lahore. The country burned during that time.

AH !! Today, we are celebrating Independance Day... But many of those who actually devoted their lives for this cause couldn't celebrate (on) the day we actually got Independence. Either they were dead, mourning or on the other side of the Radcliffe Line.

What did we learn? We still fight many a times on the lines of religion or caste. But these days there has been a national awakening in this regard; I am glad we are really becoming secular and are on the right track.

Yes, we have our internal issues but, we stand together as one family during hardships and celebrations. Whenever there is an attack on the country (it is a pity that I've to include it as a regular affair), a natural calamity in any part of the country, the whole country empathizes. Aid from all over the country reaches the affected area. All we need is more such benevolent people. Almost, the whole country celebrates festivals like Diwali and we are equally happy for our Muslim brothers when they celebrate Eid. The whole country passionately watches the cricket matches and cheers for the national side. At such times we forget our petty issues.

There are so many issues ahead of us-poverty, population, education, corruption, terrorism, communal harmony, social vices and environment. It is an irony that all these problems are created by people and only people can solve them.

On this Independence Day, Lets resolve to make India a "Superpower" and make our forefathers proud.

Happy Independance Day...

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