Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Talk WIth Yourself....(on satisfaction)

If you summarize a paragraph into few lines becomes poetry... n i guess not all understand it...

Temporary Satisfaction= Compromise = Tool for getting over Failure....

A trick to trick the mind... Look (at people) above you while climbing , below you when you slip a few steps; Close your eyes and remember your Lord during a freefall.....

Lord Mahavira rightly preached:
The world is full of misery and sorry. The cause of misery and sorrow is desire. The way to peace is overcoming desire i.e. being satisfied.

The question is when to be satisfied? And does being satisfied means inaction?

Had we been satisfied with whatever knowledge we had, we should not have studied after K.G. or why are we studying any further? Had late Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani been satisfied with all that he had before, we wouldn’t have got the Ambani Group? Or in general if man had been satisfied, would we have witnessed the technological revolution.

A stupid personal e.g. While I was in Haridwar for summer training, I changed my accommodation 6 times in 3 weeks. The last one had a double-bed, lobby, bathroom toilet, kitchen, T.V., air cooler. They also served food thrice a day while the first one had only 2 sq metres of area and it was on the top floor and terribly hot. And it’s funny that the last one was cheapest. I could have been satisfied and could have compromised with comforts as I don’t carry any such whims or fancies but why to refuse if I could get it at a cheaper price. And believe me I had better things to do than looking for rooms. After I got sixth one, I could say I was a bit satisfied.

Satisfaction can be short term or long term. Short term satisfaction is related with short term goals. While long term satisfaction is what we long for and work for our entire lives, to achieve when we are retiring from work or from life.

With your every action or your circumstances, you can either be satisfied or unsatisfied. The benefit of being unsatisfied is only when you can change what you are unsatisfied with i.e. your actions, your circumstances.

So, it is best to be satisfied until you find an alternative if you want to remain sane. The last line contradicts itself.

How can you be satisfied if you are searching for an alternative? So does that mean you should not look for an alternative i.e. satisfaction=inaction? No, it means you accept what you have for the time being and would try to change things for the better as well but won’t mind if things remain the way they are for a stipulated time that you define for yourself. This is temporary satisfaction.

And the answer to the question” when to be satisfied” is totally personal. But I can suggest that at least one should not be satisfied in the prime time of our lives, when we are working to build up a career for ourselves and a good future for our country. I like this particular campaign of Dainik Jagran “zidd karo, duniya badlo”. Here I’ve just shifted perspective from personal satisfaction and achievement to National Progress but it helps me convey the message.

You should have a goal, and passion to achieve it. Satisfaction will come automatically when you achieve it. But what if you fail? Some people can’t handle failures that well. Sometimes you are broken down to the roots. Think of a time when you were too much distressed (other than the present situation if you are today), when you couldn’t see any hope. What happened after that? Time didn’t stop. You moved on, world moved on. Eventually you lived by it or you got a solution. By personal experience I am telling there is always a solution for any problem, any situation howsoever grave they may be.
And if you want inspiration at those hard times look at any poor rickshaw puller or labourer or female labourers who are working in those adverse conditions for survival of themselves and so many other mouths to feed they would be having at their homes. It is not that I pity them rather I admire them. If you think you have a troubled relationship with some stupid guy or girl, try to know some of these stories. Some women have drunkard husbands, bad in-laws who beat them, harass them. It will bring tears to your eyes. And if you want to see what satisfaction looks like, look at any father’s face who works hard to feed his children and family with his share of bread.

Never Give Up !!

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