Sunday, November 30, 2008

HIS WIFE’S REPLY........(Grandma's remedy)

P.S....The articles hereby are linked.

It would make sense if you read the lower articles first.

Just as Mr. Chidambaram says that the principles of our Indian economy are strong, we can say with the same optimism that Indian culture follows the suit. It’s just that we have to believe in that and thrive on hope.

Getting enslaved to anything is a weakness. Portrayal as reckless brats is a cover up used by the Gen-Next to hide flaws. They are novice to their purpose in life. At their deathbed many people realize that they have not done anything significant and repent for what they have wasted---a beautiful life. Our youth has strayed away from the right track. Honest self assessment is of pivotal importance. They will have to decipher what they are born to do in this world, what they are born to do for this world, take action, build up a strong will power, and overcome their weaknesses and only then they’ll die contented. The execution of any spontaneous process increases the entropy of the universe.

Hence getting rid of addictions, bad habits and vices prevalent is not spontaneous. Effort has to be made. Who should take action? Well I suggest--- “Every man for himself and God for us all.”


A GRANDPA’S LETTER TO HIS LATE WIFE……………….(the social scenario)

They call themselves the Gen-Y or the new and modern generation. Modern technology, primarily the internet and media, has completely revolutionized our society by the exposure of the western culture. Much influenced by this culture the urban youth has become all the more ostentatious and irresponsible as is evident from the verity that drug and liquor consumption, smoking, etc are considered fashionable by some of them. But it’s not just the urban youth, the effects are trickling down as well, just as they say, “If Uncle Sam catches cold, the whole world sneezes.”

Time has certainly changed, now girls are no longer shy and no less than any guy. An obvious reason is that parents of the Gen-Y girls being literate are “more open” with, more supportive and fair towards their girls. Children today seek independence and wish to do whatever pleases their mind. It’s good to see that children know their “Constitutional Rights”. They have learnt to speak “Swaraj is my birth right” but for altogether different motives. I wish they were as responsible towards at least the “Constitutional Duties and Obligations” if not any other.

Love is no longer selfless but has become a trade of benefits. People are living together in symbiotic relationships but the tragedy is that they instantly separate as soon as it even tends towards becoming parasitic. I’ve grown a bit sceptical about love and its existence.

Man used to be a social animal and still is, but pet to his master having the riches. Hypnotized by the spell of wealth, he has become a mere puppet. Biologically descended from apes, today man has evolved into several hybrids of varied species depending on the extent to which corruption has corrupted his genes. People are pretentious and fake. Even our grandson (calls himself Casanova) has become such a MAN.



Try somewhere else for your sake

If you just want to have pie or cake.

On a serious note………

You know I am a bit shy & introvert type of creature

Not at all interested in telling the tales of nature.

Frankly, I am surprised. It’s just like on a smooth road, a sudden bend

I might sound old fashioned but never thought about you as more than my best friend.

Love, liking, attraction are words I am unable to resolve

Though they hold deep meaning for most but in me, they don’t dissolve.

I just cannot solve this…. “Love equation”.

Don’t even know for me if it has a rational solution.

I am not sure about my future plans.

By obligation I must do whatever are the wishes of my clan.

You talk about holiday in Germany, U.K. & France

I’ve just been to Shimla that too by chance.

I realize one should not bite off more than one can chew.

All this must be a dream, it cannot be true.

The grass on the other side is too green to resist

But I fear if tomorrow the green turns dry, I will not be able to exist.

So think over it again, no point in haste

Be sure about it, two lives are at stake.

It’s more than I could express myself, so let me stop at this place

Wow this all I could write, though at snail’s pace.

Oh! Sun has come up. What has happened to me? The whole night I was awake.

Now got to get ready for college or like you I’ll get late.

Yours sincerely


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Reply by a westernized girl

I know you must be expecting some sort of reply

I am writing it for you before you begin to cry (lol)

Don’t think you are the only guy struggling to win over me

I receive many proposals, almost uncountable, for me.

Doesn’t seem shocking if Katrina is waiting to get fixed with you

To reveal the truth--SRK, Aamir, Imraan are waiting for me in a queue.

Yeah, I appreciate the fact that I am too good for them

But no worries, I’ll manage even if I get to select any one of them

Oh! Seems I am boasting about myself more

In a reply I should also praise about your score

So here we go, I’ll let the rain pour…………………….

You said, if I take time you’ll run away with a “katrina”,

Means that you will also ditch that poor darling Reena.

I know that you are a typical “K*tta Kami*a”.

Your tongue comes out & you start wagging your tail as soon as you see a “Sunder Haseena”.

Can’t deny that you are a hunk with brains

as you never lose any opportunity to offer umbrella to a girl when it rains.

Sorry .Damn it. For you, good words are not coming out of my throat

But then, I think, I should fulfill the last wish of the scapegoat.

Already mentioned so many times the quality I like in you

Is the romantic, flirty & seductive way of talking you pursue.

Your looks are--- superb & features---- great!

Multitalented, rightly named, and skills at top most level of state.

You may write poems, or dance or sing

I know that you just want one thing.

To blow you out of your wits

Well, I can say, “ We can work over it.”

Signing off …….hopefully Your’s…… SUGAR

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“MY EXPERIMENTS WITH LOVE” (reflecting the youth of today)

Hi, I’m……….. (You can call me Casanova). Just experimenting, I wrote a poem and sent it to two girls, my so called “Good Friends”. Here below is the original text of the poem and the replies that I got………..

You, my second love…….

It happened when we were in class 11th

My first major affair though happened in 7th.

In the first case it was love at first sight

This time over I wished we could “make love” at first site.

Hey, I don’t mean it. Now don’t pick up a fight.

One day her (first one’s) dad got transferred,

And she left us all with questions unanswered.

I somehow passed the next two years of gloom and doom

Then came you, wearing “Britney’s Midnight Fantasy” as your perfume.

Thus I decided to turn over a new leaf

So here I am trying to butter the new loaf……..

You are the perfect specimen of beauty with brain

I am a bit ugly sample ---stupid, crazy and insane.

But don’t worry, don’t bother

You must have read opposites attract each other.

Your hair, I love its each strand

Whether you set them loose, or tie them with a band.

Your eyes are deep like a river or a sea.

So it’s not your fault when you find everything fishy in me.

Rosy lips, chubby cheeks, dimpled chin

And everything else better than “MURDER” movie’s heroine

The last line I am not very sure about.

So, only if you want, you can help me clear my doubt.

Don’t jump out of your seat.

If not the warmth, I can sense the “heat”.

For the time being, I have ended my quest.

If you say yes, I hope there won’t be any next.

You are afraid because it is too early to commit for life.

It’s truly acceptable, even I can’t commit that I’ll make you my wife.

This relationship of good friends is fine.

Just add to it-- an occasional movie and WINE.

You know it’s difficult for me to deny when “Katrina” asks for my hand

My dilemma, I hope you’ll understand.

So tie me up, before I fly.

Anjali and Teena are also waiting for my reply.

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Friday, November 7, 2008


"She loves me, She loves me not"

I am cool, fool and Congress Grass
She is hot, Flower Pot and Touch ME NOT (respectively).
I pour salacity, she is a sea of sagacity.
Love floods my heart, in hers there's drought.
I have opened the dykes, perhaps it 'll open her clot.

If i am a movie or a building, she is the plot.
In my life she means a lot.

I give her a look, she promises a thought.
I dream about her DOT DOT DOT
Nay, about her i never think rot.
I skip the procedure and directly imagine our Tiny Tots.

I dont know what the problem she has got,
she likes the horse , but doesn't want it to trot.
she is confused, someone please tell her.
"horse wont do cat walk"

Recently, i had something up my sleeves.I prepared myself, of my own accord,to sail close to the wind and even face the music if need be.With my oily tongue , I started to beat around the bush and ended up putting a spoke in my own wheel by rubbing her the wrong way.The matter blew out of proportions. Earlier probably my marriage was on the cards and now it is in doldrums. She tried to exhibit remarkable sangfroid but she could not keep up a straight face. Actually she couldn't make any head or tail of it. And she gave me a cold shoulder.

In a nutshell_
I proposed her for tieing the nuptial knot,
She turned and left the spot.
On this matter my parents advice i sought.
They told me to give her time, coz on her character
a girl cannot afford to have a blot.

But time and tide wait for none
thus i thought of moving ahead and having fun.

But I am still RAW, she has got 'BAKED' in the oven.
In her scorching heat , she left me standing in the sun.
and went into the shade with someone.
