Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How 2 behave on facebuk !

At times we all do, stupid things... Bt dese days through facebook ppl themselves make them public.. Lol
sharing relavant emotions does relieve n destress u bt its seldom d real motive.. u share wid d motive of impressing ppl or getting attention..jst be sensible.. There is a famous qoute.. Dnt tell ur probs 2 ppl, coz 80% of d ppl r genuinely nt interested, while rest 20% r actually happy dat u ve dem..
And also dnt put in extra effort 2 sound rich, intelligent, or like carefree dudes,.. D effort is easily spotted..evybody knws wat u r, n who u r.. Yeah, sumtimes it is hard 2 say if its pretentious flaunting coz some ppl r naturally lame..
Another qoute..If u keep ur mouth shut, ppl might think u r dum, bt y do u ve to open it n prove dem right.. Jst give a thot 2 wat u post..jst use d buk dats just above ur face (ur personal encyclopaedia, ur brain) 4 a change..
Well, U can be funny,thats a breath of fresh air 4 others bt try 2 be innovative.. N nt d sms(s) pls....
social networking has brought a whole cultural change, change in d quality of human relations, change in d type of human relns, change in d lifestyles of people.. Y dnt u write ur true hobby i.e. 'Facebooking' in ur resumes...
ppl dnt get carried away.. I cant c d youth of my country get blinded by dis.. Its fun 4 a while but there is more 2 life than jst facebuking.. Share d dream of developed India.. Its on us.. Wake up sids...
This isnt a lecture.. Jst my concern.. My apologies 4 d harsh words.. Bt i just wrote wats happening..